Using Responder
Attribute Viewer

Version: 10.2.1c and 10.2.1c SP3

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When the user performs a search or an identify, or any task that selects features on the map, results are displayed on the Attribute Viewer. In the example below, the selected service point features are highlighted in blue on the map and displayed in the Attribute Viewer at the bottom of the window.

Figure 1, Attribute Viewer


The Attribute Viewer displays layers on separate tabs. Each tab is marked with a different color to help identify those features on the map. In the example above, the Service Point tab is selected and the identified service points are displayed in the map. Should the user select the Transformer tab, the map display would change to display only the identified transformer, and it would be highlighted in red. Any feature selected in the Attribute Viewer will be highlighted in white on the map (e.g., 2 in the above example).

You can view additional information about selected features and related objects using the Attribute Details tool. 

Related Objects

If a related object exists and has been properly configured, it may be displayed in the Attribute Viewer. In the example above, the second Service Point is expanded to show the related customer information. If the related object has spatial representation on the map (i.e., shape), you may pan or zoom to it. For example, a pole may be related to a transformer. Hover the cursor over the first field in the related object row to display the Pan and Zoom tools.

Figure 2, Pan and Zoom on related object

Additional Tools

When you hover the cursor over the numbered circle associated with a row in the Attribute Viewer, you can access three tools that allow you to navigate to that particular feature.

Figure 3, Attribute Viewer tools


Selection Tools

Several additional tools reside in the bottom left corner of the Responder Map Viewere.

 Selection Management

Use the Selection Management options to determine how features are added to the Attribute Viewer.


The Lock/Unlock tools work with the Attribute Viewer and impact the selection set. You can "lock" a feature so that it is not removed from the selected set.


Select one or more rows in the Attribute Viewer and click the Lock button to "lock" these rows into the Attribute Viewer. These features will not be removed from the Attribute Viewer until the locks are removed. The Clear Results button will not remove locked features from the Attribute Viewer. Likewise, performing another Search or Identify will not remove locked rows. You may hover the cursor over a locked row in the Attribute Viewer to display the Remove Feature From Results tool. Click Remove Feature From Results to remove the feature from the Attribute Viewer.

Once locked, the features are marked with a lock icon in the Attribute Viewer.


Select one or more locked rows and click the Unlock button to remove the locks from these feature rows. Once unlocked, these features may be removed from the Attribute Viewer using the Clear Results button or by performing another Search or Identify.

 Remove Locks

Use this tool to remove all existing locks from all tabs in the Attribute Viewer. Once the locks are removed, the features may be removed from the Attribute Viewer using the Clear Results button or by performing another Search or Identify.




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