Using Responder
Location Call

Version: 10.2.1c and 10.2.1c SP3

Resource Center Home

Available in Responder Web Browser.

On occasion, customers may call regarding incidents that do not have locations. The following scenarios are considered calls without locations:

In these instances, the operator may enter a trouble call using the Location Call section.

  1. In the Responder Web Browser, select the Customer Service section.
  2. Click Location Call.
  3. Enter the call information (e.g., caller's name and phone number, address, etc.). If a Hazard exists, the Public Safety field allows you to indicate whether public safety officials are on site.
  4. You can mark the call as an Urgent Call, per your company policy.
  5. Select a Trouble Type, Hazard(s) and Cause. These fields may be customized and yours may have different values than those shown here. If you select any value in the Trouble Type field EXCEPT No Power, the call is treated as a non-outage.
  6. Click Submit.
  7. Clear allows the operator to empty the form.
Outage calls with hazards will submit two calls: one for the hazard and one for the outage, so that they can be managed separately, if desired. They can be combined with normal tools as well, such as the Consolidate tool.



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