Using Responder
Edit Crew Status/Time

Version: 10.2.1c and 10.2.1c SP3

Resource Center Home

Available in Responder Explorer.

After a crew has been assigned, you can change the crew's status on the Incidents tab using the Edit Crew Status/Time tool or the Change Crew Status tools. Edit Crew Status/Time allows you to select a status and edit the time the crew changed to that status.

While a crew may be assigned to multiple incidents, it may be dispatched to only one incident at a time. If you attempt to change the status of a crew that has been dispatched on another incident, you will get the following message. The crew can be dispatched to another incident when it has finished work on the first one (Status = Completed).


You may change the crew's status by right-clicking a crew in the Incidents tab or an incident in Crews flyout window.

Quick Steps

Change Crew Status

  1. Right-click crew.
  2. Select Change Crew Status.
  1. Right-click a crew that has been assigned to an incident and select Edit Crew Status/Time. This displays the Time/Status Change window.
  2. The Status field displays the previous status, the current status and the next logical status. Select a status from the pull-down menu.
  3. Set the time that the crew change was made. Click the Set to Now tool to set the field to the current date and time.
  4. The updated crew status will be reflected in the crew's Status field.

    The Status field indicates the crew's status.

Following is the default status order for crews. Because Responder is customizable, your statuses and status order may vary from the default.



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