Using Responder
Build TroubleMaker Database

Version: 10.2.1c and 10.2.1c SP3

Resource Center Home

Available in ArcMap.

Quick Steps

Build TroubleMaker Database

  1. Click Build TroubleMaker Database.
  2. Click a device on the map.
  3. Populate form and click OK.

The Build TroubleMaker Database tool provides an easy method for populating a database for use with Responder's TroubleMaker application.

TroubleMaker uses historical customer information for dispatcher training or performance testing. TroubleMaker uses the information in your historical database to submit calls to Responder. TroubleMaker should always be used on a non-production database.

The Build TroubleMaker Database tool makes it easy to populate your TroubleMaker database. When you select a device, the Build TroubleMaker Database tool compiles a list of all customers downstream of the device and adds them to a user-defined TroubleMaker database. This requires the presence of a TroubleMaker database. A sample is included with the TroubleMaker installation: Miner and Miner\Responder\Troublemaker\TroubleMakerData.mdb.

  1. In ArcMap, select the Build TroubleMaker Database tool and click a device on the map.
  2. This brings up the Build TroubleMaker Database window. Enter appropriate values in these fields.
    • Device: This field is populated automatically based on the device clicked
    • Number Customers: This field is also populated automatically. The application performs a trace, compiles a list of downstream customers and provides a count of those customers.
    • TroubleMaker DB: Enter a path or browse to a TroubleMaker database. A sample database is included with the TroubleMaker installation: Miner and Miner\Responder\Troublemaker\TroubleMaker Scenarios.mdb.

    The sample database (TroubleMaker Scenarios.mdb) is installed in the TroubleMaker application directory. In Windows 7 and Windows Server (2003 and 2008) operating systems, users do not have write permissions to files in this location. If you choose to use the sample TroubleMaker database, you must copy it to a location where the user has write permissions (e.g., the desktop).

    • Scenario Name: Enter a unique scenario name. Enter <n> to automatically number new scenarios. You may enter a value followed by (or preceded by) <n> (e.g., Scenario<n>).
    • Scenario Interval: This optional field to specify the total number of minutes (interval) during which calls from this scenario should occur.
    • Scenario Comment: Use this optional field to enter any comments.



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