Fiber Manager Configuration Guide
Add Relationships

Version: 10.2.1c and 10.2.1c SP3

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These relationships are necessary only if you're using Splitters. Create these relationships if they don't already exist.

The following two relationships must be created and configured before you can successfully upgrade to 9.3: F_SplitterLocation_SplitterInputPort and F_SplitterLocation_SplitterOutputPort. Follow the steps below to create and configure these necessary relationships.

  1. Follow the steps on the Create Relationship page to create two relationships:
    • F_SplitterLocation_SplitterInputPort

      Origin: SplitterLocation

      Destination: F_SplitterInputPort

      Composite Relationship

      Communication: None

      Cardinality: 1 - M

      Primary Key: ObjectID

      Foreign Key: SplitterObjectID

    • F_SplitterLocation_SplitterOutputPort

      Origin: SplitterLocation

      Destination: F_SplitterOutputPort

      Composite Relationship

      Communication: None

      Cardinality: 1 - M

      Primary Key: ObjectID

      Foreign Key: SplitterObjectID




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