Using ArcFM Engine
Electric Trace Tasks

Version: 10.2.1c and 10.2.1c SP3

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The ArcFM Electric Traces toolbar allows you select the trace you want to perform and set the trace options before performing the electric trace. Note: All ArcFM traces disregard definition queries on network layers.



  Downstream Protective Device Trace

A Downstream Protective Device trace finds all protective devices downstream of the flag, by phase. The trace stops at an open switch. Select specific features to be traced in the ArcFM Electric Trace Options (Electric Traces tab). The trace operation executes as follows:

  1. The ArcFM Downstream Protective Device trace searches for circuit sources in all directions from each end of the flagged edge. If no sources are found the trace returns nothing.
  2. If one or more sources are found from one end of the edge but not the other, the downstream sense is clear.
  3. The trace is launched from the end that failed to reach any sources. This trace returns only protective device features as specified in the ArcFM Electric Trace Options.
  4. The trace filters the results according to the value selected in the "Phase of conductors and devices" setting in the ArcFM Electric Trace Options. The Protective Traces and Phase page offers more information about this setting. The resulting features in addition to the flagged edge are returned as the trace results.

  Upstream Protective Device Trace

An Upstream Protective Device trace finds all protective devices upstream of the flag, by phase. The trace stops at the circuit source. Select specific features to be traced in the ArcFM Electric Trace Options (Electric Traces tab). The trace operation executes as follows:

  1. The ArcFM Upstream Protective Device trace searches in all directions from each end of the flagged edge for circuit sources that can reach the edge. If no sources are found, the trace returns nothing.
  2. If one or more sources are located, a trace is performed to locate all connected features between the flagged edge and each source. This trace returns only protective device features as specified in the ArcFM Electric Trace Options.
  3. The trace filters the results according to the value selected in the "Phase of conductors and devices" setting in the ArcFM Electric Trace Options. The Protective Traces and Phase page offers more information about this setting. The resulting features in addition to the flagged edge are returned as the trace results.

Note: This trace is Phase Sensitive. This means that an edge will be included in the trace results if it is a necessary component of any path that brings the specified phases (e.g., "At least AB" which means at least A and B) from a source to the flagged feature and the edge itself carries all of the specified phases.

Multiple feeds and loops will impact the results of this trace.

  Electric Distribution Trace

The Electric Distribution trace finds all features connected to the same feeder system, by phase. If you change the status of a switch or breaker, an Electric Distribution trace will return all features affected by the status change. The trace operation executes as follows:

  1. Find all circuit sources that can reach the flagged edge on one or more phases. If no sources are located, the trace returns nothing.
  2. If one or more sources are located, ArcFM traces from both ends of the flagged edge to each source.
  3. The trace filters the results according to the value selected in the "Phase of conductors and devices" setting in the ArcFM Electric Trace Options. The resulting features in addition to the flagged edge are returned as the trace results.

  Downstream Trace

A Downstream Trace finds all features (lines and devices) in a feeder system by phase that are downstream of the trace flag. The trace operation executes as follows:

  1. The ArcFM Downstream trace searches for circuit sources in all directions from each end of the flagged edge. If no sources are found the trace returns nothing.
  2. The trace is launched from the end that failed to reach any sources.
  3. The trace filters the results according to the value selected in the "Phase of conductors and devices" setting in the ArcFM Electric Trace Options. The resulting features in addition to the flagged edge are returned as the trace results.

  Upstream Trace

An Upstream Trace finds all features (lines and devices) in a feeder system by phase that are upstream of the trace flag. This trace requires Feeder Manager be configured. If you have configured Electric Tracing without Feeder Manager, this trace will not work. The trace operation executes as follows:

  1. The ArcFM Upstream trace searches in all directions from each end of the flagged edge for circuit sources that can reach the edge. If no sources are found, the trace returns nothing.
  2. If one or more sources are located, a trace is performed to locate all connected features between the flagged edge and each source.
  3. The trace filters the results according to the value selected in the "Phase of conductors and devices" setting in the ArcFM Electric Trace Options. The resulting features in addition to the flagged edge are returned as the trace results.

Note: This trace is Phase Sensitive. This means that an edge will be included in the trace results if it is a necessary component of any path that brings the specified phases (e.g., "At least AB" which means at least A and B) from a source to the flagged feature and the edge itself carries all of the specified phases.

Multiple feeds and loops will impact the results of this trace.

  Next Upstream Protective Device Trace

The Next Upstream Protective Device Trace finds the immediate protective device upstream of the flag. When you place a second flag, this trace marks the previously found protective device in gray. Use the ArcFM Electric Trace Options (Electric Traces tab) to specify which features are considered protective devices. The trace operation executes as follows:

  1. The ArcFM Next Upstream Protective Device Trace searches in all directions from each end of the flagged edge for circuit sources that can reach the edge.
  2. If one or more sources are located, the trace locates the immediate upstream protective device feature. If you placed the flag at a point for which there are multiple sources, the trace will locate each immediately upstream protective device. If no sources are found, the trace returns nothing.
  3. The trace displays different symbols based on the state of the protective device. View the symbol descriptions on the Protective Device Traces and Phase page.

Note: This trace is Phase Sensitive, but it does not respect the Phases options in the ArcFM Electric Trace Options window (Electric Traces tab). It traces all phases present on the flagged feature.

  Isolation Protective Device Trace

The Isolation Protective Device trace finds protective devices immediately upstream and downstream of the flag. When you place a second flag, this trace marks the previously found protective devices in gray. Use the ArcFM Electric Trace Options (Electric Traces tab) to specify which features are considered protective devices. The trace operation executes as follows:

  1. The ArcFM Isolation Protective Device Trace searches in all directions from each end of the flagged edge for circuit sources that can reach the edge.
  2. If one or more sources are located, the trace locates the immediate upstream and downstream protective device features. If no sources are found, the trace returns the immediate protective devices in any direction, but without any indication of whether they lie upstream or downstream.
  3. The trace displays different symbols based on the state of the protective device. View the symbol descriptions on the Protective Device Traces and Phase page.

Note: This trace is Phase Sensitive, but it does not respect the Phases options in the ArcFM Electric Trace Options window (Electric Traces tab). It traces all phases present on the flagged feature.

  Clear Results

This button removes all flags and barriers from the map. It also clears the results if you have selected the Results as Drawings option. If you choose to view your results as a selected set, the Selection tab of the Attribute Editor will NOT be cleared.

  Zoom To Results

Use this toggle button to elect whether to zoom to the trace results. When this button is depressed (or toggled on), the map view will zoom to the trace results.

  Trace Options

Click this button to set various options for your electric trace.




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