ArcFM Engine Configuration Guide
Upgrade to 9.3 Rev2

Version: 10.2.1c and 10.2.1c SP3

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With release 9.3 Rev2, changes were made to support enhanced Mobile functionality. The following upgrades are necessary only if you wish to use ArcFM Solution's Mobile functionality. Use these upgrade instructions if you are:

These instructions are intended for GIS administrators who currently are in production with a previous version of Mobile (Session Manager or Workflow Manager) and who want to upgrade to the most recent version of the ArcFM Solution. This document does not apply if you are not currently using Mobile (Session Manager or Workflow Manager in the field) and will be implementing it with the latest release of ArcFM (i.e., you are new to ArcFM and are starting with the current release). If this is the case, refer to Set Up Session Manager or Set Up Workflow Manager.

If you are upgrading your Process Framework, you may also need to use the Process Framework Database Upgrade tool.


Create Tasks

Convert Workspace Packets to XML

With the release of 9.3 Rev2, Mobile uses XML packets to transfer information between the field and Enterprise. This new functionality takes advantage of the smaller packet size to increase performance. In 9.3 Rev2, all new Mobile sessions and designs are created with XML packets. Workspace packets on existing sessions and designs are supported until the next release. You will need to convert all workspace packets to XML before upgrading to the next release. There are several available methods for converting your existing workspace packets to XML.

Inspector: If you've implemented Inspector, you MUST convert existing workspace packets to XML packets. Inspector does not support workspace packets.

Note About Packet Adapters: All custom packet adapters must be updated to in order for existing workspace packets to be successfully converted to XML packets. This process is discussed in the ArcFM Solution Developer Guide.


Implement the Create Packet Subtask

There are two ways to implement the Create Packet subtask. This subtask creates an XML packet when you create a new session or design. The XML packet is used to transport data to and from the field. Both options are outlined below. Select the one that best suits your business needs. Update or create tasks using the Process Framework Administration Tool.

Choose an Option:

Option 1: Create New Tasks (Recommended)

Select this option if you send some sessions/designs to the field and keep some on the Enterprise. Users creating sessions/designs to send to the field should use the Create Mobile Session and Create Mobile Design tasks to ensure field sessions/designs always have XML packets.

The Create Session and Create Design tasks should NOT be used to create sessions/designs for the field. If a user creates a session without an XML packet, makes some notations (e.g., place graphics) for the field user, then sends the packet to the field, the notations will NOT be sent along with the session. The packet MUST exist before edits on the Enterprise can be sent to the field.

Option 2: Update Existing Tasks

Optionally, you can add the Create Packet subtask to the existing Create Session and Create Design tasks. The Create Packet subtask creates an XML packet which is used to transport data to and from the field. This ensures an XML packet always exists and notations made for field users on the Enterprise will be sent to the field.

XML packets are automatically created when Sessions and designs are created in the field. The Create Packet subtask is not necessary in the field database.


If you create large designs or sessions that are NOT sent to the field, you may want to create separate tasks (Option 1). Creating an XML packet for a large session or design can slow performance.

The Copy Design tool does not allow copies of "Mobile" designs (i.e., designs with associated packets). If you want to use the Copy Design tool, use Option 1 to ensure this tool will work as expected.


Geodatabase Manager

If you plan to implement Geodatabase Manager, then you will need to create the following task. Geodatabase Manager allows you to create automatic processes the post and reconcile versions associated with sessions and designs (as well as non-Process Framework versions). If you don't plan to use this tool or you plan to only reconcile/post non-Process Framework versions, skip this step. The items outlined below should be created on the Enterprise database.



Create the following states on the States tab.

Pending Post

  • Node Type: Session
  • Control: Session UI
  • Roles: Session Editor, Session Administrator, Session Approval Officer

Pending Post

  • Node Type: Design
  • Control: Design UI
  • Roles: Designer, Design Approval Officer, WMS Administrator



Create the following transitions on the Transitions tab.

Post Session

  • Node Type: Session
  • Roles: Session Administrator, Session Approval Officer
  • From States: Pending Approval
  • To State: Pending Post

Submit Design for Post

  • Node Type: Design
  • Roles: Designer, Design Approval Officer, WMS Administrator
  • From States: Approved
  • To State: Pending Post



Create the following tasks on the Node Types tab.

Submit Session for Posting

Database: Enterprise

Node Type: session

Transition: Post Session

Assign Subtasks: (in order as shown)

  1. GDBM Set Posting Priority

Submit Design for Posting

Database: Enterprise

Node Type: design

Transition: Submit Design for Post

Assign Subtasks: (in order as shown)

  1. GDBM Set Posting Priority




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