ArcFM Engine Configuration Guide
Configure Geodatabase Replica - Server

Version: 10.2.1c and 10.2.1c SP3

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Mobile Users: Follow the steps below to create a server replica for your Backdrop database.

Follow these steps to configure for the replication server to receive updates from the SDE geodatabase. A configured, read-only sample is installed here: Program Files (x86)\Miner and Miner\ArcFM Solution\Bin\XML\Sample.Server.ReplicationConsole.exe.config. An empty version of ReplicationConsole.exe.config resides in the Bin directory. Whether you modify the sample or use the empty config file, it MUST have the name ReplicationConsole.exe.config and it MUST reside in the ArcFM Solution\Bin directory. A replication file by any other name will not be recognized.

Before You Begin:

Copy the geodatabase(s) to be replicated (one for each replica) to the following locations on the replication server:

Create Replica

Next, follow the steps below to create a replica for each geodatabase you wish to replicate.

  1. On the Replication Server, open the ArcFM Geodatabase Replication Administrator (Start menu > All Programs > ArcFM Solution > ArcFM Geodatabase Replication Administrator). This application requires Administrator privileges.
  2. You may create a new configuration file or use the empty file provided in the ArcFM Solution\Bin\XML directory. Regardless, this file MUST be named ReplicationConsole.exe.config and reside at this location:
  • Windows 7/Server 2008 R2: Program Files (x86)\Miner and Miner\ArcFM Solution\Bin
  • Windows XP/Server 2003: Program Files\Miner and Miner\ArcFM Solution\Bin\


Each configuration file has three sections: Client, Server, Web Service. Each section must be created on its corresponding machine and in the appropriate file. The Server and client sections reside in the ReplicationConsole.exe.config file. The web section resides in the Web.config file.

The following settings are used by the replication server to determine how updates are retrieved from the SDE geodatabase.

  1. Right-click the configuration node and select New > Server. This creates a Server node and a category.

Categories: You may right-click the Server node and select New > Category to create additional categories. Create as many categories as necessary to organize your replicas (e.g., by zip code). Right-click the category and select Rename or enter a new name in the Category Name at the right. This applies to client, server, and web categories.

  1. Select the Server node and set values for the settings to the right.

Licensing Note: If you select an ArcFM Viewer for ArcGIS Engine license, you must select an ArcFM Engine Editor license to run Geodatabase Replication. If you do not select an extension license, the Geodatabase Replication Administrator will select the ArcFM Engine Editor license by default. If you do not have this license, Geodatabase Replication will fail. ArcFM and Designer licenses do not require an extension license of any type to run Geodatabase Replication.

  1. Each category contains the replica geodatabase(s) that require an update. Right-click the category and select New > File Geodatabase Replica or New > Personal Geodatabase Replica.
  2. Select the geodatabase and set values for the settings to the right.


    • Replica Name: Assign a name to the replica. This name must contain fewer than 50 characters and it must be the same for the corresponding replica in the Client and Web Service sections.
    • Description: You may enter any descriptive text for the replica. Currently this text is displayed only in the Administrator.
    • Enabled: This setting allows you to turn off a replica if necessary. If the value is set to True, the replica will run. Set it to False to prevent the replica from running.
    • File/Personal Geodatabase Name: Browse to the geodatabase (file or personal) that requires the update. You may be prompted to enter login information to access the geodatabase.
    • Initial Extraction Directory: Browse to the directory that contains the initial extraction geodatabase.
    • Compress File Geodatabase: Compressing your file geodatabase can considerably lengthen the time required for each server run. However, full downloads will take significantly less time and the amount of disk space used on client machines is minimized. If you elect NOT to compress the file geodatabase, the amount of time for each server run is reduced, but a full download will take longer due to a larger file size and more disk space will be consumed on the client machines. File geodatabase compression is not supported after the replication download on the client machine. True=compress; False=do not compress. This field is available only for file geodatabase replicas.

    ArcSDE Settings

    • Server: Name of the SDE server used to update replica. If prompted, log in to the SDE.Default version.
    • Instance: SDE instance for that server.
    • Database: Name of the database (only for SQLServer).
    • User Name: User name to be used for login.
    • Password: Password that corresponds to the user name.
    • Initial Extract Version: This is the name of the version in the SDE geodatabase that was used to extract the initial geodatabase. This version should be private and a child of the sync version. It should NEVER be reconciled or posted.
    • Sync Version: This is the SDE geodatabase version that is used to perform updates. Generally this is SDE.default. This is the version Geodatabase Replication will access to create an update geodatabase which will be compared with the last update geodatabase to create a delta file. Be sure to include the prefix (e.g., SDE).
    • Keep Initial Version: You may wish to retain the initial extract version to reinitialize Geodatabase Replication. true=keep version (default setting); false=delete version.

      If this value is set to true, an initial extract version is retained. This version may be used to reinitialize Geodatabase Replication in case of a failed replication. If this value is set to false, the initial extract version is deleted. This allows the SDE version tree to be completely compressed. However should a replication fail, a new initial extract version must be created and a new database extracted from this version (e.g., extract a new backdrop database). This could take a large amount of time. Schneider Electric recommends setting this value to true until testing is complete and Replication is in production.

    • Cleanup Interval: Amount of time (in days) after which files in the Base Directory are deleted. The default value is 30 days.
    • Write XML File: This is a true or false value which indicates whether to create an XML file containing the delta information. This file is saved to the Temp directory and may be used for troubleshooting. Note that this file is over-written after each update. This file is installed in user's Documents and Settings temp directory (e.g., C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp). If you are running the service, this is the replication user (e.g., mmReplica).

      These values are case sensitive and MUST be all lower case (e.g., true, false).

    • Save Frequency: This value indicates after how many changes (number of deltas) the geodatabase will be saved.

      The following fields allow you to filter the data that is included in the update. You are not limited to using only one filter. You may use any combination or none at all.

    • Dataset Filters: Enter the name of the dataset you wish to include in the update. This value should have a prefix (e.g., ArcFM.ElectricDataset rather than ElectricDataset). Any datasets NOT listed will not be updated by the replica. The exception is when the Dataset Filters setting is blank (see note).

    If you leave the Dataset Filters value blank, all datasets in the geodatabase will be included in the replica.

    • Model Name Filter: Enter a class model name. All layers with this model name assigned will be included in the update.
    • Spatial Filter Class Model Name: This filter allows you to create a polygon on the map and designate it as the filter. All changes within that polygon are included in the update. Provide the model name assigned to the polygon feature layer (e.g., ArcFMMapGrid).
    • Spatial Filter Field Model Name: Provide the field model name assigned to the field that contains a unique ID (e.g., MapGridName).
    • Spatial Filter Values: Enter the UID tags to specify values.
    • Change Threshold: When an extraction contains a tremendous number of edits, the amount of time to extract can become extremely long. This property allows you to determine a threshold for the number of edits. When this threshold is surpassed, Geodatabase Replication will not perform an extraction. Rather it will prompt the user via email to perform a full database extraction. By default, this property value is null and Geodatabase Replication will always perform the extraction, regardless of the number of edits or amount of time to extract. The email is sent to the account specified for each replica (created in steps 5 and 6).

      If the threshold is exceeded, Geodatabase Replication will still create an XML file. Whether this file is created is determined by the Write XML File property discussed several bullets above.

    Email Settings

    • Email SMTP Server: If a replication should fail, you may elect to be notified via email. Enter the SMTP server.
    • Email Addresses: Enter the email address(es) to be notified upon replication failure. You may enter more than one. Separate multiple addresses with a semicolon (;).
    • Compaction Notification Size Threshold: If the size of your database exceed this threshold, you will receive an email notification to compact your client geodatabase. The email is sent to the account specified for each replica (created in steps 5 and 6).

    Replica Update Settings

    • Update Interval: This value indicates how often (in minutes) updates are retrieved from the SDE geodatabase and placed on the replication server. A value of 0 indicates that only one update should occur and subsequent updates must be initiated manually by the user.
    • Number Of Retries: This value indicates the number of times to retry an update that has failed.
    • Retry Interval: This value indicates the frequency (in minutes) with which retries are performed should an update fail.
  3. When you've finished configuration, select File > Save Configuration File. You may also click the X button in the top right corner. In this case you will be prompted to save changes.

    An asterisk (*) next to "ArcFM Geodatabase Replication Administrator" in the titlebar indicates that modifications have been made since the last save.

    If the Replication Client resides on the same machine, configure it using the same ReplicationConsole.exe.config file.




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