ArcFM Engine Configuration Guide
Enable Directory Browsing

Version: 10.2.1c and 10.2.1c SP3

Resource Center Home

Both local and distributed implementations with IIS7 require that you enable Directory Browsing. Follow the steps below. 

  1. Open Computer Management.
  2. Expand Services and Applications and select Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  3. In the Connections column, expand the local machine name > Sites >Default Web Site and select ArcFMGDBReplicationService.
  4. In the next column, double click Directory Browsing in the IIS category. Alternately, you can select Directory Browsing and click Open Feature at the top of the far right column.

  5. Click the Enable link in the far right column to enable Directory Browsing.

  6. If you're using BITS, perform the above steps for ArcFMGDBReplicationBase as well. This is the virtual directory created in the Create Virtual Directory step.
  7. Close Computer Management.




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