ArcFM Engine Configuration Guide
Configure Address Search and Direction Search

Version: 10.2.1c and 10.2.1c SP3

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The ArcFM Address Search and ArcFM Direction Search tools use address locators to locate specific address information in the map. Address locators may be created in ArcCatalog and ArcToolbox. Refer to the ArcGIS for Desktop documentation for information about creating address locators.

When an address locator is created, the necessary tables are added to the geodatabase (starting with GC_). If you're using an SDE database, assign the permissions to these tables that allow other users to access the address locator.

If you modify the feature class that participates in the address locator (e.g., add fields), you will need to rebuild the locator. Also, if you extract data into another geodatabase, the address locators must be rebuilt.

Tips for Creating an Address Locator


Sample Address Locator

These steps walk through creating an address locator that works with the Minerville.mdb sample data. Creating an Address Locator is Esri functionality. For additional information, refer to Esri documentation.

  1. In ArcCatalog, right-click the Geodatabase and select New > Address Locator. This displays the Create Address Locator form.
  2. Select a style in the Address Locator Style field (e.g., US Address - Dual Ranges). Click OK.
  3. Select the layer to be used as Reference Data (e.g., StreetCenterline). The reference data defines the feature classes and tables that will be used by the address locator.
  4. In the Output Address Locator field, browse to the geodatabase level. By default, the path is set to the dataset in which the reference data resides. A locator stored within a dataset will not work correctly.
  5. When setting the output path, give the address locator a name. Keep the name length short as there is a length limit, and locators with names that exceed the limit in length will not work. See Esri documentation for more information.
  6. Click OK to save the address locator.




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