Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Save Scenario

Version: 10.2.1c and 10.2.1c SP3

Resource Center Home

You can save analysis scenarios and recall them later.

  1. Select File > Save or Save As.
  2. Browse to the location where you want to save the file.

  3. Enter a file name (it will have a .cbl extension) and click Save.

To open a saved file, click File > Open and browse to the file (it must have a .cbl extension).

You can copy analysis information you select and paste it into another application using the Copy Conduit Sections and Copy Results Per Conduit Section menu options. You can also select rows and type Ctrl + C on the keyboard to copy the rows along with the column titles to the clipboard. ArcFM copies both the selected sections and the corresponding results. You can paste the information into a spreadsheet application (such as Excel), and the values will appear in their own cells.




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