Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Create Related Object

Version: 10.2.1c and 10.2.1c SP3

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Use this tool to create a new feature or object and relate it to an existing feature or object. Create Related Object is a right-click utility for existing features or objects on your map. Add Related Object is a right-click utility for features in the Targets tab that haven't yet been placed on the map.

If your map contains multiple workspaces, you may only create related objects that are in the workspace being edited. The Create Related Object utility may be disabled if the relationship is 1-to-1 and another related object already exists.

  1. Select the existing feature on the map.
  2. Expand to display the relationship classes on the Selection tab. You may only create related objects that have a relationship with the selected feature. For example, you may create and relate a Fuse Unit for a Fuse feature, but not a Transformer Unit.
  3. Right-click a relationship and select Create Related Object to display the ArcFM Create Related Object dialog.
  4. Edit attributes as desired. The field names of edited attributes will appear in blue. If a field does not accept a Null value and no value is assigned, it is highlighted in yellow.

    If the object is non-spatial, it is not placed on the map. Simply edit the attributes and click Create. Each time you click Create, an object will be created and related to the feature. If the object or feature is spatial, it will have a shape field. You need to place it on the map.

  5. Click the Sketch tool in the Shape field and draw the feature on the map.
  6. Click Create to create the new feature or object and relate it to the existing feature.
  7. Click Close to dismiss the Create Related Object tool.



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