Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Create Design

Version: 10.2.1c and 10.2.1c SP3

Resource Center Home

Available in: Workflow Manager

Enable: Work request node selected


Workflow Manager allows a Designer to create new designs for a work request.

  1. Open Workflow Manager.
  2. Select a filter
  3. Select a work request.
  4. Click the Create Design button.
  5. You may edit the design name by selecting it and modifying the attributes on the Design tab in the user control window at the right. You may also edit Labor information on the Site Conditions tab. Modifications will be shown in blue. The Inventory and Cost tabs provide view-only reports.
  6. Click Apply when you've finished making changes. Modifications will be saved and text will revert to black.
  7. If you have accessed Workflow Manager through Designer, you may select your new design and click the Open Design button. This button will not be available if you are using Workflow Manager as a standalone application.
  8. Workflow Manager will open the selected design in Designer and ensure an edit session has been started.



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