ArcFM Desktop Configuration Guide
Feeder Manager Step 3: Set Sources

Version: 10.2.1c and 10.2.1c SP3

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Required by Feeder Manager and Extended Feeder Manager

Set your circuit source feature classes as sources in ArcCatalog. First you will create the circuit source object table. Then create a relationship class(es) between the feature class(es) you've designated as sources and the CircuitSource object class.

This key object class stores information about the source of a circuit and is how Feeder Manager begins its search for connected features. You will need to create a separate relationship class for each feature class in the network that may possibly contain features acting as a circuit source. Feeder Manager will only trace circuits that have a matched pair of one CircuitSource object and one junction feature. Substation circuit breakers and reclosers most commonly serve as circuit sources. The relationship cardinality does not require that each circuit source object have a related feature, but each circuit source object that does have a related feature should have no more than one.

Create CircuitSource Object Class

Below is a list of required fields for this feature class. You may change the names of the fields, but the field model names assigned later must have the EXACT spelling. There are no required domains for this feature class. Your table may include additional fields. If this table is not in your geodatabase, you may need to add it.



Data Type


Long Integer


Long Integer or Text






Long Integer

All FeederID fields must have the same data type and field length as the FeederID field in the CircuitSource table.





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