ArcFM Desktop Configuration Guide
Feeder Manager Step 14: Add a Circuit to the Network

Version: 10.2.1c and 10.2.1c SP3

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In ArcMap, create a circuit source related object on each source feature class.

  1. Add the circuit source feature to the Targets tab.

  2. Expand it to reveal the relationship classes.

  3. Select Add Related Object to create a relationship between the circuit source feature class and the CircuitSource object.

  4. Enter values in the FeederID, FeederName, and SubstationID fields. All features downstream of the source will share the same FeederID, FeederName, and SubStationID values.

  5. Place the feature on the map.

  6. Continue to add features to the new source. The Feeder ID of new features will update dynamically if the relationship autoupdaters are set.




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