ArcFM Desktop Configuration Guide
Extended Feeder Manager Autoupdaters

Version: 10.2.1c and 10.2.1c SP3

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The following three autoupdaters must be assigned in order for Extended Feeder Manager to support a multi-tiered electric network.

The following autoupdaters are used by Extended Feeder Manager, but are not specific to it. These are used by the basic Feeder Manager as well.

If you also use the ArcFM Segment Split autoupdater and plan to create nested transformer subsources in you network, be sure that the ArcFM Segment Split autoupdater preceeds both the ArcFM Generic Electric Trace Weight and the ArcFM Feeder Internal FeederID Create autoupdaters in the list.

Descriptions for all autoupdaters are available on the Autoupdater Lists page in the Configuration Guide Appendix.




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