ArcFM Desktop Configuration Guide
Duct Size Options

Version: 10.2.1c and 10.2.1c SP3

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Configuration Instructions

Once the Duct Size Options have been configured, users may place ducts within ducts in ArcFM.

To place ducts within ducts, it is necessary to have a field in the duct definition object class with a model name of DUCTSIZE. This field model name is used to determine at what size ducts are plotted in map units (or another unit of measure; see note). The duct size field may be assigned a custom editor that restricts the values of the size field so users cannot select a duct that is equal to or larger than the master duct.

You can set the unit of measure for ducts using the ArcFM Properties Manager. Right-click the geodatabase and select ArcFM Properties Manager. Choose the Underground Facilities tab.




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