ArcFM Desktop Configuration Guide
Design Optimization - Define Load Profiles

Version: 10.2.1c and 10.2.1c SP3

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A load profile defines the electrical usage of a home. You may define multiple load profiles for various types and sizes of homes. Load profile information is stored in the MMENG_LOADPROFILES table.

To create a load profile or modify an existing profile, open the MMENG_LOADPROFILES table and create a new row or modify an existing row. The fields in this table are defined below.

The MMENG_LOADPROFILES table catalogs the various load profiles to be considered for the design. Each row provides a description of a typical consumer load type for the utility. Administrators can configure various types of loads here. Each load profile can specify a coincidence curve that allows the optimizer to account for diversified load demand.

Default Building Floor Area: An administrator can set this value in the DEFAULT_KNOWN_FLOOR_AREA field.




A unique name associated with the load profile.


The load profile name displayed in the Design Optimization user interface.


This is the percentage by which the parcel area is multiplied to estimate a Known Floor Area when one isn't provided by the user.


Default value of the building floor area. If you wish to set a default building floor area value, enter it in this field. Users will be able to override the default in the Load Profile Parameters section (Load Profile Settings task).


Maximum electric load demand per floor area.


Average electric load demand per floor area.


Maximum power factor per floor area.


Average power factor per floor area.


Instantaneous load required upon a motor start.


Power factor required upon a motor start. This value is used to calculate flicker.


Percentage of the sum of the load for all connected service points. Expand the field to view two columns. The first is the number of service points displayed as [#]. The second column is the percentage of the total load for those service points.


Number of phases for the service. Valid values are 1 or 3.




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