Version: 10.2.1c and 10.2.1.c SP3 |
Appendix > Electric Distribution Data Model > Structures Overview > Switching Facility |
SwitchingFacility is the feature class representing structures that support or enclose switching and associated equipment including transformers, buses, switchgears, and fuses. Automated feeder switching systems control individual circuits and reduce the occurrence and duration of faults and optimize feeder and substation loading.
SwitchingFacility inherits characteristics from the abstract classes Structure, FacilityStructure, and EquipmentEnclosure. Any model names assigned to these classes should be assigned to SwitchingFacility as well.
Subtypes: Auto Transfer Enclosure, Junction Cabinet, Two-Cabinet Pad-Mounted Switchgear, Four-Cabinet Pad-Mounted Switchgear, Switch Board. The use of subtypes is optional. The Subtype attribute can be removed if subtypes aren't used in the model.
Associations: BusBar
Model Names: STRUCTURE
Configuration: text - Configuration of switching facility.
Manufacturer: text - Manufacturer of switching facility.
Model: text - Model of enclosure.
NominalVoltage: long integer - Code indicating system voltage for which SwitchingFacility is rated; domain values include 14.6kV, 24.9kV, and 34.5kV.