Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Editing Options

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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The Editing tab allows you to modify various editing functions.

Editing Options


The "Prompt before deleting" checkbox allows you to determine whether or not there is a confirmation screen when the user deletes features. The checkbox is selected by default and users will see a confirmation screen before features are deleted. You may uncheck this box to remove the confirmation screen.

Cursor Symbolization

This option allows you to display the symbolization of a point feature as the user is placing it. This option works with point features ONLY. In Figure 1 below, cursor symbolization is disabled and the cursor displays the default symbol (the gray circle). In Figure 2, cursor symbolization is enabled and the cursor displays the symbology of the service point being placed (the yellow square). To enable cursor symbolization, select the Enable cursor symbolization checkbox.

Figure 1, Cursor symbolization disabled


Figure 2, Cursor symbolization enabled

The cursor symbolization options allow you to determine the scale at which cursor symbolization reverts to the default symbol (gray circle, as in Figure 1). Select one of the following settings:

Features Tab

If your map contains features from multiple datasets, you may choose to group them by dataset on the Features tab. Select the Group items by dataset checkbox to group features into their respective datasets (as shown in Figure 3). This option is unchecked by default. If you are using a stored display that contains group layers, the group layers will be displayed individually like the datasets.

Figure 3, Features grouped by dataset

Structure Relate Search Tolerance

Use this option to set the search tolerance for the ArcFM Structure Relate autoupdater.




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