Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Stored Displays

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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Stored Displays contain standard views or displays which are saved combinations of map layers and layer rendering properties. By using a Stored Display, you can open these combinations of map layers and properties in one step. Stored display environments allow you to change a large number of parameters in one step, so that you can switch between different views for different purposes.

A user may create a User Stored Display which is available only to the user who created it. Administrators can create System Stored Displays which are available for all geodatabase users to access and utilize, but not edit.

The Stored Displays menu has three options: Save, Save As, and Manage. Save allows you to save changes in an existing open stored display. Save As allows you to name and save a newly-created stored display. Both of these options are discussed along with the Create topic listed below. Manage gives you the means to rename or delete existing stored displays.


Create Stored Display

A stored display saves all layers currently in the ArcMap map document and properties of those layers in the geodatabase. You can identify the stored display with a unique name. User and system stored display names are listed under the Stored Displays dropdown menu.

  1. Create Stored Displays with the ArcMap Editor tool in the disabled (Stop Editing) mode.
  2. Select the Stored Displays down arrow on the ArcFM toolbar.
  3. Click Save As to display the Save ArcFM Stored Display As window. If you select Save, the Save As dialog will appear because the stored display has not yet been named.
  4. Enter a name for your stored display.
  5. In the Type field, select User to create a stored display available only to the user who created it. Select System to create a stored display available to anyone who uses the geodatabase.
  6. Click OK.

Your new stored display name will be listed on the Stored Displays dropdown menu. User and system stored display names are separated on the menu. The stored display at the bottom of the list in the example above is a user stored display and available only to the user who created it. The top are system stored displays.

Note: Information such as Options and selectable layers is not saved with the stored display. If you want to maintain this information, you may select the stored display, set the Options and save to an .mxd file. The Options information is stored in the MX document.


Manage Stored Displays

Stored Displays are managed using the Stored Display menu on the ArcFM toolbar. Users can rename or delete user stored displays. Only administrators may rename or delete system stored displays.

  1. Click the Stored Display down arrow on the ArcFM toolbar.
  2. Select Manage.
  3. In the Type field, select the type of stored displays to manage: User or System.
  4. Select a stored display name to display the Manage ArcFM Stored Displays dialog.
  5. Rename or remove the selection. This action immediately updates the Stored Displays dropdown list. Remove All deletes all stored displays shown in the window. If you are viewing system stored displays and elect to Remove All, all system stored displays are deleted. The user stored displays still remain. Click Close to dismiss this window.


Open Stored Display

When you create a stored display, it is added to the Stored Display dropdown menu. User and system stored display names are separated on the menu. Just select the appropriate stored display name from the list.

If you have opened a stored display and made changes to it, you may save the changes or create a new stored display. Save will save any changes you've made back to the original stored display. Save As allows you to name and save a new stored display.


Save Bookmark with Stored Display

Bookmarks may be saved with a stored display and will be available only within that display. The stored display must be saved after the bookmark has been created. If you are adding a bookmark to an existing stored display, you must open the stored display before creating the bookmark. You may also create a bookmark, then create a new stored display. The bookmark will be saved with the new stored display.

  1. From the main menu, select Bookmarks and Create. The Spatial Bookmark window will appear. Type a name for the bookmark and click OK.
  2. Select the Stored Displays down arrow on the ArcFM toolbar.
  3. If you are creating a new stored display, select Save As to display the Create ArcFM Stored Display dialog. If you are saving an existing stored display (it must be open), select Save. If you are simply saving an existing stored display, this is the final step.
  4. Enter a name for your stored display.
  5. Click OK.



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