Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Save Stored Item As

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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This tool allows you to save the selected map layers and/or layout view as a stored item. If you do not have a stored item selected and select the Save tool from the Stored Items pull-down menu, it will act like the Save As... tool.

Stored Displays and Bookmarks: Bookmarks may be saved with a stored display and will be available only within that display. The stored display must be saved after the bookmark has been created. If you are adding a bookmark to an existing stored display, you must open the stored display before creating the bookmark. You may also create a bookmark, then create a new stored display. The bookmark will be saved with the new stored display. To create a bookmark, browse in the map to the location you want to mark. Then select Bookmarks > Create. Save the stored display after creating the bookmark.

Documents and Multiple Data Frames: Documents allow you to store information from two or more different databases in multiple data frames so you can quickly switch among views and data frames. Activated data frames are shown in bold on the Display tab or are highlighted in the Layout view of the map. Create multiple data frames, then save the document.

  1. Select a value in the Item Type field.
    • Stored Display saves the layers in the Data view.
    • Page Template saves the elements in the Layout view.
    • Document saves both the layers in the Data view and the elements in the Layout view.
  2. Select System or User depending on the type of stored item. If you want to make the stored item available to other users, select System.
  3. Enter a name for your new stored item.
  4. Select a folder in which to save the stored item. The pulldown menu displays all folders currently available for the User or System stored items (depending on which radio button is selected).
  5. You may click the arrow to the right of the Save in field to display the tree and create new folders.
  6. Click OK to save changes.




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