Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Quick Estimate

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

Resource Center Home

Use the Quick Estimate toggle button to send compatible units (CUs) directly to the Design tab in the Attribute Editor. Use this tool to assemble a collection of CUs, then view a Design Cost Report for a cost estimate on the design.

 Click the Open Design Cost Report button to view the design costs.

Quick Estimate toggle button status
enabled - CUs are sent to the Design tab when you double-click them or press Enter with CUs selected.
disabled - CUs are sent to Targets tab by default when you double-click them. Access the right-click menu to send CU to Design tab.

Non-GIS CUs are always sent to the Design tab, regardless of the Quick Estimate setting. If no design is open, non-GIS CUs will not be sent to the Attribute Editor.



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