Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Place Lasso

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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Lasso allows you to relate multiple conductors and cables to a conduit system. Depending on the type of lasso, it may display annotation describing the related features. The types of lasso are described here.

  1. On the map, locate the conduit and unrelated linear features.
  2. Click the Lasso feature on the Create Features tab.
  3. Select the Lasso feature the Attribute Editor Targets tab.
  4. Define the Lasso by clicking according to the type of lasso you want to place. For three- and five-point lassos, you may set the Lasso feature to snap to the conduit, but snapping isn't required.

You may now associate conductors with specific positions in the conduit if the conduit has been configured.




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