Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Place Features in the Field

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

Resource Center Home

You may place features while editing a session or design in the field. All features placed while in the field will NOT have network connectivity in the field. Network connectivity may be established after the new features are imported to the enterprise.

Sessions in the Field

Features are placed in the field just as they are placed on the enterprise.

  1. Select the Features tab and click a feature to add it to the Targets tab of the Attribute Editor.
  2. Select the feature on the Attribute Editor and place it on the map.


Designs in the Field (Designer only)

Features are placed in the field just as they are placed with a design open on the enterprise.

  1. Select the CUs tab.
  2. Right-click a CU and select Send to Design.
  3. Click the CU on the Design tab of the Attribute Editor and click the map to place it.




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