Using ArcFM Solution Desktop

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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Palettes allow you to group design features into logical collections. This makes it easy to select a small group of design features necessary for a particular job. Features can be grouped in any way you choose. For example, by material (all wood poles) or by job (service points, secondary, etc.).


To create a new palette, follow the steps outlined below.

  1. Right-click My Palettes or a folder within My Palettes and select New Palette.
  2. Enter a name for the palette. You may change the name later by right-clicking the palette and selecting Rename Palette.
  3. Drag items from the Results pane and drop them onto the new palette in the Explore pane. Use the filters to locate specific CUs in the Results pane.

Once created, you can right-click a palette and access the following tools:


Double-click a palette to view its contents in the Results pane. You can right-click a CU in the Results pane and select Remove to remove that CU from the palette. You may also select Send To Targets Tab or Send To Design Tab on a CU in a palette. Use the Ctrl or Shift key to select multiples.




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