Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Open Edit Session

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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If you are using Inspector Extension with ArcFM Viewer for ArcGIS Engine, you may open an existing session in edit mode. This allows you to edit non-spatial attributes of existing features and place graphics using the Graphics tab. To open an Edit session, Session Manager must be opened through ArcFM Viewer for ArcGIS Engine.

  1. In Session Manager, select a session.
  2. Chose the Open Edit Session task from the Available Tasks field.
  3. Click the green arrow to execute the task.

Session Manager will open the session in ArcFM Viewer for ArcGIS Engine. You may not add features to the session, but you may modify non-spatial attributes of existing features and use the Graphics tab to place graphics.



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