Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Stand-alone Network Adapter for DMS v3 (CIM)

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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This implementation of Network Adapter is accessed through an executable file in the ArcFM Solution\Bin directory. It allows you to export a particular feeder (or multiple feeders) from a geodatabase using a Common Information Model (CIM) XML format. The geodatabase schema from which the feeder is exported is specified during configuration (see Configuration Guide).

To view the Network Adapter About box, start NetworkAdapter.exe and select Help > About Network Adapter.

If configured properly, Network Adapter will export feeder information to CIM.

Open NetworkAdapter.exe. It is installed here: \Program Files (x86)\Miner and Miner\ArcFM Solution\Bin. When Network Adapter opens, it reads the geodatabase and populates the top window with the feeders available in that database. It may take a few minutes to populate this list.

  1. The NetworkAdapter.exe tool is configured to point to a specific database (see Configuration Guide). The top window shows all feeders available in the chosen database. Substations are displayed in black text, and feeders in blue text. Select a substation (black text) in order to select all feeders beneath it.

  2. Select (or unselect) the checkboxes for individual feeders to include (or exclude) them from the export. The lower window displays the database connection information.

  3. Before exporting you can set various options. Click Tools > Options to display the Options dialog. This dialog has three tabs:
    • General: Select a radio button to indicate how feeders are exported. You may elect to export each feeder as separate XML files or export all selected feeders into one XML. The latter option is not recommended for large exports.
    • Log File: Select the checkbox if you'd like to generate a log file. In the File field, browse to the location you'd like the log file saved.
    • Export File: Use this field to determine where the exported XML file should be saved as well as its name.
  4. Select a feeder or multiple feeders to export. You may expand a region to view the feeders within it. Select the entire group of feeders or individual feeders.
  5. Click Export. When you click Export, Network Adapter automatically refreshes the version from which you're exporting in order to get the latest edits.

    Validation: During export, Network Adapter automatically runs the following validation rules and notifies the user if it encounters any invalid features. Notification depends on how your Administrator has set error reporting during configuration (see ArcFM Solution Configuration Guide).

    • Phase Validation: This validation rule compares the phase of the feature's upstream device with all downstream features and ensures valid phases on all features in the feeder. For example, a feature has a phase of AB. Any downstream feature with a phase of ABC, BC, or C is returned as invalid.
    • Voltage Validation: This validation rule compares the operating voltage of a feature with all downstream features and ensures valid voltage on all features in the feeder.
    • Exceptions: The Network Adapter configuration file can be configured to run additional rules that identify exceptions in the data (see Network Adapter Configuration Guide).
  6. The XML containing your export information is saved to the location indicated in the Options dialog.

    If you are using the "Export entire selection at once" option, you will need to rename the XML file after each export (or change the file name in the Options dialog for the next export), otherwise it will be overwritten. The data is exported in the CIM format.

  7. Click Close when you’re finished to close Network Adapter. Click Clear Status if you’d like to clear the bottom Status window before beginning another export.




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