Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Map Production

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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Map production tasks include organizing, previewing, scheduling, exporting, saving, and managing maps for plotting. ArcFM provides several map production tools including two primary tools, the Map Book Editor and Map Book Explorer. The Map Book Editor and Explorer are used in conjunction with other map production tools available with page templates, stored displays and documents.

One of the first steps in map production involves organizing your maps into logical units for subsequent viewing and plotting. In ArcFM, maps are organized into map sets and map books. Map sets contain map and plotting information that precisely define the layers, scale, and map elements for each desired plot. Map books store and organize the map sets. Use the Map Book Editor to create map books and map sets and the Map Book Explorer to view the maps and their organization.

Clicking New ArcFM Map Book , located on the ArcFM toolbar will provide access to the Map Book Editor. This tool is not available if you have an ArcFM Viewer license. If you already have created map books or map sets, you can click Edit from the Map Book Explorer (see following) to launch the Map Book Editor.

Click Launch ArcFM Map Book Explorer , located on the ArcFM toolbar to access the Map Book Explorer. You can click Edit from the Map Book Explorer window to launch Map Book Editor.


ArcFM Viewer:

ArcFM Viewer provides users with the ability to view, plot and export existing map books. The following Map Production functionality is available in ArcFM Viewer:



ArcFM provides users with the full Map Production functionality. The following tools are available:

Versions: When plotting and exporting in ArcFM, data from the user's current version in ArcMap is used. If there are no layers in the current map, the version that the user is logged into is used.

Access Database: If you create or modify a map book during an edit session on an Access database, you MUST save edits to retain the changes or new map book. If the edits are not saved, the map book created during the edit session or the changes made to a map book will not be saved.

If you have Designer installed, you may use Map Production with Designer.




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