Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Map Insets

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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Map insets allow the user to designate a portion of the map in a source frame and show a zoomed version of the source in a destination frame. The destination frame may also use an external file in several formats as its source. There are two types of map insets. A Scaled Map Inset depicts the zoomed contents of the source frame in the destination frame. A Linked Map Insert shows an external file in the destination frame. Formats of the external file include: .bmp, .emp, .dgn, .dxf, .dwg, .jpg, .gif, .png, and .tif. Place a polygon by clicking once to begin the sketch and a second time to finish it.

A map inset is a feature. Its attributes may be edited in the same manner as other features. You may also use right-click utility tools such as Zoom To, Highlight, Delete, Copy.

Map insets do not support rotation in the map. If you rotate a map inset, you may encounter errors.

Scaled Map Inset


Map insets may be viewed in ArcFM Viewer, but not created or edited. 



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