Using ArcFM Solution Desktop

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

Resource Center Home

You can use the Highlight utility to see a selected feature highlighted (the feature flashes three times) on the map. Use the General tab in ArcFM Options to modify the size and color of the Highlight.

  1. Right-click a feature on the Selection tab or QA/QC tab of the Attribute Editor to display the Utilities menu. This utility is also available in the Locator tool.
  2. Select Highlight, and you will see the feature flash three times on the map. If the selected feature is out of visible range, use Zoom To before using Highlight.

If the highlighted feature is hidden behind a form such as the Attribute Editor or Locator tool, the form window will become transparent to make the highlighted feature visible when it flashes.



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