Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Perform Gas Trace

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

Resource Center Home

Before performing your trace, you will need to decide how you want to view your results as well as choose trace barriers using the options on the Gas Traces toolbar.

  1. If you're performing a Valve Isolation trace, you may use the Gas Isolation Traces toolbar to place any temporary marks such as sources and barriers. These temporary marks are recognized only by the Valve Isolation trace.
  2. On the Gas Traces toolbar or Gas Isolation Trace toolbar, select the trace you want to perform. Traces are described on the Gas Trace Tasks page.
  3. Click the pipe at the location where the trace should begin. This places an edge flag at this point and initiates the trace. Results will be returned as a selected set or highlighted on the map, depending on the option setting.
  4. You will receive a warning message if there are more than 10,000 features to be buffered (and buffering is enabled).
  5. You may clear the flags and results using the Clear button on the Gas Traces toolbar. This will NOT clear a selected set. This tool may also clear temporary marks, depending on the options setting.




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