Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Add Circuit or Subsource in Extended Feeder Manager

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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Follow the steps below to add a circuit - or subsource - to your EFM feeder system.

  1. With an editing session started, add the Circuit Source feature class (e.g., Circuit Breaker) to the Targets tab and expand the class.
  2. Right-click Circuit Source and select Add Related Object to create a relationship between the circuit source feature class (e.g., Circuit Breaker) and the CircuitSource object.
  3. Enter values in the SubstationsID, FeederID and FeederName fields.
  4. On the circuit source feature (e.g., Dynamic Protective Device), set the SubSource field to Yes. When the autoupdater on this field fires, it will determine whether it is the most upstream source. If it is the most upstream source, it is designated as an ultimate source. If not, it is considered a subsource. Designate a downstream feature as a SubSource by setting its SubSource field to Yes.
  5. Place the feature on the map.
  6. Continue to add features to the new source. The Feeder Manager autoupdaters will dynamically update the FeederID value for all features added to the feeder.




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