Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Extended Data Editor

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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Use the Extended Data Editor to modify extended data for multiple CUs and to propagate changes from one node to the nodes beneath it. It will be available only if the selected node (CU, WL, design, WR) has been configured properly (see Configuring ArcFM Solution online help).

  1. On the Design tab or Targets tab, right-click the node(s) to be edited and select Extended Data Editor.

  1. Use the Extended Data Editor to modify your extended data fields.
  2. Determine how existing values will be treated. If you select "Overwrite all", any existing values (including database default values) will be replaced with your selections. If you select "Overwrite only unset values", values that have not been set by the user will be overwritten and any existing values will remain.

  3. Select the Propagate Values checkbox to disseminate the values to the children of the selected node. If this box is unchecked, the values will apply to the selected node(s) only. The Propagate Values field is disabled for CUs and any nodes that do not have children. This section offers a discussion on extended data propagation.
  4. The labels of modified fields appear in blue. Click OK to save your changes.




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