Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Edit Conduit System Associations

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

Resource Center Home

After conductors have been associated with duct or trench positions, you may still edit them. You can drag and drop cables and conductors to different ducts. If a conductor or cable has been separated into phases, its phases may be moved into different ducts or positions.

  1. Select the conduit system to be edited.
  2. On the Selection tab of the Attribute Editor, right-click the conduit system and select Edit Conduit Associations.

  1. In the ArcFM Conduit Association Editor, expand the duct containing the associated cable or conductor you want to move.
  2. Select the cable or phase and drag it to another position.
  3. Click OK to save edits.
  4. You may display the individual phases of a conductor by selecting it and clicking the Break into Phases button.


Click the Up One Level button to navigate from a subduct to the master duct that contains it.




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