Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Copy Design

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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The Copy Design task offers the ability to easily create copies of existing designs. The Copy Design dialog allows you to select where the new design is copied to (an existing work request or a new one), whether or not to include CUs, and the number of copies made. This functionality is a selection in the Task tool and a button on the toolbar in Workflow Manager. When you select Copy Design in the Task tool and click the execute button or click the Copy Design button, the Copy Design dialog appears. You may make copies of copies.

You must also have the appropriate roles assigned in the Process Framework Administration tool to enable the Create Copy functionality.

Mobile Users: You may create a copy of a Mobile design on the enterprise only. This functionality isn't available in the field. Before you can copy a design, you must run the Process Framework subtask called Delete Packet on that design.

A design must be opened in ArcMap and saved before the Copy Design task is enabled. The Copy Design functionality utilizes a design's version, which doesn't exist until the design has been opened and saved in ArcMap.

There are several scenarios for copying designs. Some of them will leave the parent design locked and not postable to the geodatabase. You may create multiple copies of a design in any scenario.

When copying to an existing work request, only work requests owned by the user or that can be viewed by the user are displayed for selection.

The Copy From frame displays the parent design and its work request. This information is based on the design you have chosen to copy. It may not be edited in this screen.

In the Copy To frame, you may choose where to save the new designs.

Create a new Work Request: This option automatically creates a WR node and places the copied designs under it.

If you do not have WR creation permissions, then the Create a new Work Request option is disabled. In this case, you may only copy to an existing WR. 

Use an existing Work Request: This option allows you to select an existing WR under which the copied design will be placed. The WR of the parent design is the default value. You may select a design by clicking the browse button. Select a WR from the list populated with the current WR and WRs owned by the current user.

The Search tool allows you to enter a search string. Type the first few letters of the work request in the field. Click the Find button to search for matching work requests.

Include Compatible Units: Check this box to include CUs from the copied design. If it is NOT checked, the design copy will be created without CUs.

Copies: Indicate the number of copies to be created.

The Lineage button on the Workflow Manager dialog opens a window that displays the parents and children of copied and parent designs. To view the child/parent relationships, select a design from the Work Request folder and click Lineage. Design 2 from Work Request 181 is selected in the example below.

The selected design (Design 2) is shown in bold in the Lineage window. We see that Work Request 181 has three designs (Designs1, 2 and 3) and that Design 2 is the parent of Design 3.




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