Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Designer Express Commissioning Toolbar

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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The Designer Express Commissioning toolbar provides the following tools that allow you to easily commission the design features in your express design and replace them with features that participate in the network.

Open Designer Workflow Manager

Opens Workflow Manager where you can create and access express designs.

Commission Design Features

Converts DFCs in the currently open express design to features that participate in the network.

Save Express Design

Saves edits to the currently open express design.

Close Express Design

Closes the currently open design. When an express design is closed it is automatically posted to SDE.Default.

Reconcile Express Design

Reconciles the parent version to the currently open design. Any changes made to the parent are reconciled down to the express design.

Post Express Design

Posts the design to SDE.Default. Use when as-built editing is complete.




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