Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Associate Conduit to Duct Bank

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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This step allows you to relate a conduit to a particular duct bank or unrelate an existing relationship between a conduit and duct bank. It creates a physical relationship between the conductor and the duct. This association does not modify the Conduit Manager information.


Associate Using the Map



  1. Expand the Associate Conduit to Duct Bank step.
  2. Select the Associate Conduit to Duct Bank task.

  1. Select the Disassociated Items tab.
  2. Select a conduit from the list. When you click a conduit, it is highlighted on the diagram. Only disassociated conduits appear in the list.
  3. Select a duct bank from the list. When you click a duct bank, it is highlighted on the diagram. Only disassociated duct banks appear in the list.
  4. Click the Associate button.

If the number of ducts in the duct bank doesn't match the ducts configured on the conduit, you will be prompted. Click Yes to relate them despite the discrepancy. Click No to cancel the relate.

When the conduit and duct bank are related, they are moved to the Associated Items tab and removed from the Disassociated Items tab.


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Associate Using the Map

This tool allows you to select features on the diagram and relate them.

  1. Expand the Associate Conduit to Duct Bank step.
  2. Select the Associate Conduit to Duct Bank task.
  3. Click the Associate button.
  4. On the diagram, click a conduit and a duct bank (in any order). If either of the features already participate in another relationship, you will receive a warning.


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  1. Expand the Associate Conduit to Duct Bank step.
  2. Select the Associate Conduit to Duct Bank task.
  3. Select the Associated Items tab.

  1. Select a feature. When you click a feature on the tab, it is highlighted on the diagram.
  2. Click the Disassociate button.

When the conduit and duct bank are unrelated, they are moved to the Disassociated Items tab and removed from the Associated Items tab.




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