ArcFM Solution Configuration Guide
Water Valve Isolation

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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The purpose of the Valve Isolation trace task is to identify valves that need to be operated (closed) to prevent flow of water to a particular location. Anticipated uses are to determine valves to be operated to prevent continued flow in the event of a water leak, or valves to be operated to accomplish a scheduled outage in a designated location.

Configuring networks involves assigning model names to features and fields so that ArcFM autoupdaters can maintain connectivity information in the logical network. The valve isolation traces include a feature class assigned model name NETWORKSOURCE, a feature class assigned model name VALVE with two fields assigned model names NORMALPOSITION and OPERATINGCLASSIFICATION. The value in the normal position field indicates whether the valve is normally open or closed; the value in the operating classification field indicates whether the valve is critical. And, for every network feature, a weight is assigned to a field with the model name WATERTRACEWEIGHT.

This trace considers only those valves that lie between the isolation point (the user-defined edge flag) and a water source – such as a treatment plant or pump station. Valves that lie downstream of the isolation point are not included in the results.

Trace operations

  1. Find all features within the class assigned the class model name NetworkSource (treatment plant, pump station). These features will be considered ‘sources.’
  2. Find the operating pressure of the pipe on which the edge flag was placed. That pipe’s operating pressure determines which features are considered sources for that pipe. The OperatingPressure value may be stored in a field on the pipe feature class or in an Operating Pressure table that is related to the pipe feature. There MUST be a valid operating pressure value regardless of where it is stored in order to return a trace result. The Valve Isolation trace reads the pressure from this field. If the field or table is not properly configured, the trace will fail. The bullets below describe the configuration requirements.

    • Stored in Field: The field on the pipe feature must have the OPERATINGPRESSURE field model name assigned (Field Model Names tab in the Properties Manager). This field must also contain a value operating pressure value.
    • Stored in Table: The Operating Pressure table must have the OPERATINGPRESSURE class model name assigned (Model Names tab in the Properties Manager). The table must also be directly related to the pipe feature class. The field in which the value is stored must contain a valid operating pressure value.
  3. The trace proceeds out in all directions from the flag to each source in the network. The trace stops if it encounters a closed device before it gets to the source. It continues to the source if a closed device is not encountered.
  4. If the Critical Valves option is selected, the trace includes only valves designated as critical.

The results include the area affected if the valve is closed and the open valves (or the open critical valves) that must be operated to isolate the area. Results are displayed (highlighted) on the map or listed as the selected set, depending on the option chosen in the Results tab. Consider the following examples:


Object Class Model Names: VALVE, NETWORKSOURCE, REGULATOR (optional), DISTRIBUTIONMAIN (optional)

Field Name (can be any name)

Field Model Name (exact spelling)



OperatingClassification (optional)





Valve Isolation Bit Interpretations




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