ArcFM Solution Configuration Guide
Voltage Regulator

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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Because voltage is different at any point on a feeder, voltage regulators provide voltage control where feeders of different lengths and diverse load conditions are supplied from the same substation bus. Feeder voltage regulators can be single or three-phase and operate from 25 to 400 kVA. The 32-step design regulates line load from 10 percent above (boost) to 10 percent below (buck) normal line voltage. Operating over a 20 percent range, voltage change per step is 5/8 percent.

Voltage regulators vary the AC supply or source voltage to the customer to maintain the voltage within desired limits. Voltage provided by regulators is changed using a tap-changing switch to adjust the number of secondary windings. Bypass switches allow a regulator to be removed for normal service without interrupting the downstream load.

The DESIGNBANK model name is used by the Work Function tool in Designer. It designates a banked feature in the network.

VoltageRegulator inherits attributes from the abstract classes ElectricDevice and TransformerBank. Any model names assigned to these classes should be assigned to VoltageRegulator as well.

Associations: None

Subtypes: Single Phase Overhead, Two Phase Overhead, Three Phase Overhead, Three Phase Pad-Mounted. The use of subtypes is optional. The Subtype attribute can be removed if subtypes aren't used in the model.



BoostPercent: text - Code indicating tap setting for increase in capacity achieved by raising the maximum voltage level; domain values include 4 percent, 6 percent, etc.

BuckPercent: text - Code indicating tap setting for increase in capacity achieved by lowering the minimum voltage level; domain values include 4 percent, 6 percent, etc.

BypassSwitch: text - Code indicating presence of BypassSwitch used to de-energize voltage regulator; domain values are Yes or No.

HighSideConfiguration: text - Configuration of primary side of Transformer; domain values include SinglePhaseLine-Ground, Open, SinglePhaseLine-Line, Wye. HIGHSIDECONFIGURATION

RatedkVA[A,B,C]: double - Sum of rated kVA of related transformer units, per phase; domain values include 100kVA, 1000kVA, etc. The RatedKVA on Transformer validation rule uses the RATEDKVA model name on this field. Designer's Secondary Circuit Analysis also uses this model name.



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