ArcFM Solution Configuration Guide
Underground Structure

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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UndergroundStructure is a simple junction feature that includes vaults and manholes that house and protect electrical equipment.

Figure 1, Transformer Vault

Subtypes: Hand Hole, Manhole, Vault. The use of subtypes is optional. The Subtype attribute can be removed if subtypes aren't used in the model.

Associations: ElectricDevice, ElectricLocation

Model Names: STRUCTURE


Comments: text - User or designer comments.

ConstructionStatus: long integer - This field contains a value from the Construction Status domain that indicates the current status of construction on the structure (e.g., proposed, existing, retired).

FacilityDiagram: text - This field contains a value from the Yes/No Indicator domain that indicates whether a facility diagram exists for the underground structure.

FacilityID: text - Meaningful company-assigned unique identifier. Uses the FACILITYID model name on this field.

Hyperlink: text - Used to store a hyperlink path via standard Esri hyperlinking functionality.

InstallationDate: date - Date of installation.

Manufacturer: text - Manufacturer of UndergroundStructure.

Material: text - Material of UndergroundStructure.

Model: text - Model of UndergroundStructure.

StructureSize: text - Size of structure.

StructureType: text - Type of UndergroundStructure.

SymbolRotation: double - Angle of rotation indicating how a feature appears on the map. Uses the SYMBOLROTATION model name. The ArcFM Manual Angle Setter edit task and ArcFM Auto Angle Setter autoupdater both use this field to rotate point features.

WorkOrderID: text - Utility work order identifier.



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