ArcFM Solution Configuration Guide
Transformer Unit

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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Transformers transfer electrical energy from one circuit to another circuit usually with changed values of voltage and current in the process.

Designer uses the DESIGNUNIT model name on this class to designate it as an electric device unit object class. The Designer Work Function Tool uses this model name to identify all electric device unit object classes.

The ArcFM Synch Transformer Unit Phase Designation autoupdater, Phase on Bank Unit QA Validation rule, and RatedKVA on Transformer QA Validation rule all use the TRANSFORMERUNIT model name. The ArcFM Phase Swap tool and Display Name objects also require the TRANSFORMERUNIT model name.

Associations: RegulatorControl (only valid for VoltageRegulator), Transformer

Subtypes: Distribution Transformer Unit, Power Transformer Unit, Voltage Regulator Unit. The use of subtypes is optional. The Subtype attribute can be removed if subtypes aren't used in the model.



AnimalGuardType: text - Type of animal guard used on TransformerUnit.

ArrestorType: text - Code indicating arrestor type; domain values include Air Gap, Metal Oxide, etc.

Available: text - Code indicating whether TransformerUnit has capacity available; domain values are Yes or No.

CoolingType: text - Code indicating cooling method used in TransformerUnit; domain values include Radiator Forced Air and Other.

FluidType: text - Type of fluid used.

FullLoadLosses: double - Full-load losses of TransformerUnit in watts.

HighSideRatedVoltage: long integer - Code indicating system voltage for which high side of TransformerUnit is rated; domain values include 2400 Volts Delta, 4160/2400 Volts, etc.

HighSideBIL: long integer - Code indicating BIL rating of high side of TransformerUnit; values include 125 BIL, etc.

Impedance: double - Impedance of TransformerUnit, expressed as percentage.

LowSideRatedVoltage: long integer - Code indicating system voltage of low side of TransformerUnit; domain values include 120 volts, 120/208 volts, etc.

LowSideBIL: long integer - BIL rating of low side of TransformerUnit.

LowSideTaps: text - Number of taps available on low side of TransformerUnit to change transformer ratio.

Manufacturer: text - Manufacturer of TransformerUnit; domain values include ABB/Westinghouse, General Electric.

MaxSteps: text - Maximum number of steps available on TransformerUnit.

NoLoadLosses: double - No-load losses of TransformerUnit in watts.

PCBLevel: double - PCB level, if any, in coolant of TransformerUnit; domain values include Arachlor, Diachlor, etc.

ProtectionType: text - Code indicating type of protection; domain values include Bayonet Fused, Conventional, etc.

RatedKVA: long integer - kVA of TransformerUnit at nominal voltage; domain values include 10 kVA, 112 kVA, 333 kVA, etc. The ArcFM Phase Swap tool, Display Name objects, and the RatedKVA on Transformer QA Validation rule both require the RATEDKVA model name on this field.

SCADAIndicator: text - This field contains a value from the Yes/No Indicator domain that indicates whether a SCADA device exists on the transformer.

TapsType: text - Code indicating type of taps; domain values include 2Above/2Below, 4Above, etc.

TransformerObjectID: long integer - ObjectID of associated transformer.

XRRatio: double - Inductance/resistance ratio.



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