ArcFM Solution Configuration Guide

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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The Transformer feature class captures information about distribution and power transformers. Subtypes include Network, Single Phase Overhead, Single Phase Underground, Two Phase Overhead, Three Phase Overhead, Three Phase Underground, Step, and Power.

Characteristics of transformers include voltage rating (kV), power rating (MVA), impedance (%), loss evaluation, temperature rating (degrees Celsius), and cooling class. Distribution transformers convert electrical energy from primary voltages to utilization voltages. Primary voltages range from 34.5/19920 Grounded Y to 4160Y/2400 Grounded Y volts. A transformer winding may have tap changers, separately for voltage and phase angle.

Transformer inherits attributes from the abstract classes ElectricDevice and TransformerBank. Any model names assigned to these classes should be assigned to Transformer as well.

Associations: LoadTapChanger (only valid for Power Transformer), NetworkProtector (only valid for subtype Network), TransformerUnit

Subtypes: Network, Single Phase Overhead, Single Phase Underground, Two Phase Overhead, Three Phase Overhead, Three Phase Underground, Step, Power, Open Delta, and Open Wye. The use of subtypes is optional. The Subtype attribute can be removed if subtypes aren't used in the model.

Model Names:


Alternate[X,Y,Z]: double - Stores the X, Y, and Z values from a GPS device.

AlternateSource: text - This field contains a value from the Feature Source domain that indicates an alternate source for the structure.

HighSideConfiguration: text - Configuration of primary side of Transformer; domain values include SinglePhaseLine-Ground, Open, SinglePhaseLine-Line, Wye. HIGHSIDECONFIGURATION

LowSideConfiguration: text - Configuration of secondary side of Transformer; domain values include 3 Wire Delta, 4 Wire Delta, Delta, Single Phase, Wye

LowSideGroundReactance: double - Ground reactance of secondary side in ohms.

LowSideGroundResistance: double - Ground resistance of secondary side in ohms.

LowSideProtection: text - Code indicating type of overcurrent protection used at the secondary side of the Transformer; the Network and Power subtypes use a Yes/No Indicator domain on this field; this field is not applicable to all other subtypes.

LowSideVoltage: long integer - The voltage on the secondary winding of the transformer.

RatedkVA[A,B,C]: double - Sum of rated kVA of related transformer units, per phase; domain values include 100kVA, 1000kVA, etc. The RatedKVA on Transformer validation rule uses the RATEDKVA model name on this field. Designer's Secondary Circuit Analysis also uses this model name.

SwitchType: text - Code indicating type of switch.

The following attributes apply to the Power Transformer subtype:

LoadTapChangerIndicator: text - Yes/No indicator that indicates whether or not a load tap changer is present on the transformer.

EmptyWeight: double - The weight of the transformer without coolant oil.

FilledWeight: double - The weight of the transformer with coolant oil.

HeightBushings: double - The height of the bushing above the mounting flange.

HeightNoBushings: double - Height of the transformer before bushings installed.

RatedKVA65Rise: long integer - The rated KVA given a maximum of 65 degrees Celsius average winding temperature rise over a 30 degree Celsius ambient air temperature.

RatedTertiaryKVA: long integer - The rated KVA of the tertiary winding.

TertiaryConfiguration: text - The configuration of the tertiary winding.

TertiaryVoltage: long integer - The voltage of the transformer's tertiary winding.



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