ArcFM Solution Configuration Guide
Troubleshooting: How can I do an unassisted or silent installation for ArcFM 9.1 and later products?

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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To perform an unassisted install of ArcFM Solution products that are version 9.1 or later:

  1. Open a Command Prompt.

  2. Enter  msiexec followed by the /i install option. For example:  msiexec /i.

  3. The installation file that you downloaded from the Schneider Electric web site will be a Microsoft installer (.msi) file. Append the name of the file to your string. For example,  msiexec /i ArcFM_Desktop910.msi.

  4. Following the installation file, enter these parameters:

    • APPMODE (required) - This parameter may be 1 or 0. 1 = ArcFM; 0 = ArcFM Viewer. For example:  APPMODE=1.

      Note: If you're upgrading from 9.1 to 9.1 SP1, the APPMODE parameter is not required. The installer will upgrade the 9.1 product currently installed (ArcFM or ArcFM Viewer).

    • ADDLOCAL (required) - This parameter should always be set to ALL. For example:  ADDLOCAL=ALL.

    • Remove (optional) - This parameter allows you to remove specific components from the installation. Enter a component from the table at the bottom of this page. These are case sensitive and must be entered EXACTLY as shown. You may enter multiple components and separate them with commas (no spaces). For example:  Remove=Electric_Solver,Gas_Tools,Mobile_Admin_Tool.

    • INSTALLDIR (optional) = Use this parameter to indicate where you wish the ArcFM Solution product to be installed. The default is C:\Program Files (x86)\Miner and Miner\. If your path includes spaces, it MUST be enclosed with quotation marks.

  5. Following the parameters, you may enter an option that modifies the user interface.


    No user interface (silent install)


    No user interface except for a progress bar with a Cancel button


    Reduced user interface with no dialog box displayed at the end of the installation


    Full user interface including any dialog boxes displayed at the end of the installation


    No user interface with confirmation message at the end of the installation


    Basic user interface with a dialog box at the end of the installation. Dialog box is not displayed if the installation was cancelled


    Basic user interface with no dialog boxes


    No user interface except for a progress bar; Cancel button is removed

  6. Press Enter to initiate installation.

A sample installation might look like this:

msiexec /i ArcFM_Desktop910.msi APPMODE=1 ADDLOCAL=ALL Remove=Network_Adapter INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\My Install" /qb

In the example above, the ArcFM 9.1 will be installed without Network Adapter. Only a progress bar with a Cancel button will be displayed in the user interface.


Remove Components











    GDB_Replication_Client (9.1.2 SP1 and later only)

















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