ArcFM Solution Configuration Guide
Service Address

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

Resource Center Home

Associations: CustomerConnection

Subtypes: None

Model Names: None


AccountID: text - Unique identifier for the customer's account.

AcctType: text - The type of account.

Address1: text - Customer address.

Address2: text - Customer address.

Block: text - Block number of the customer's address.

City: text - Customer's city.

Comments: text - User or designer comments.

CriticalCustomerIndicator: text - Code indicating whether customer has critical need for electricity; domain values include Critical, Non-Critical.

CustomerClass: text - Code indicating class of customer; domain values include Commercial, Industrial, MultiFamily Residential, and Single Family Residential.

DesignID: text - Unique identifier for the design associated with the customer's address.

Hyperlink: text - Used to store a hyperlink path via standard Esri hyperlinking functionality.

LocationID: text - Unique identifier for the customer's location.

Lot: text - Lot number of the customer's address.

QtrSection: text - The number of the quarter section containing the service address (based on the Public Land Survey System).

Range: text - The number and direction of the range (parallel to the principal meridian, based on the Public Land Survey System) (e.g. R18E = Range 18 East).

Section_: text - The number of the section within a township (e.g. S10 = Section 10).

Situs: text - The jurisdiction where the property is treated as being located for legal purposes.

State: text - Customer's state.

StreetDir: text - Street direction in the customer's address (e.g., North, South).

StreetName: text - Street name in the customer's address.

StreetNo: text - Street number in the customer's address.

StreetSuf: text - Street suffic in the customer's address (e.g., Lane, Drive).

SubName: text - Name of the subdivision.

Township: text - Township in which the customer resides.

WorkFlowStatus: long integer - Status of the work occurring at the customer's address.

WorkFunction: long integer - The work function associated with the features (e.g., install, remove).

WorkLocationID: text - Unique identifier for the work location associated with the customer's address.

WorkRequestID: text - Unique identifier for the work request associated with the customer's address.

ZipCode: text - Customer's zip code.



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