ArcFM Solution Configuration Guide
Standalone Applications

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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The following executables are installed in ArcFM Solution\Bin. This table provides a full list of all .exe files that may be installed with an ArcFM Solution product, descriptions, and the cases in which they are installed.




Installed With


ArcFM Engine Administrator: This tool allows a system administrator to configure various aspects of an ArcFM Engine application.

ArcFM (Complete), ArcFM Viewer for ArcGIS Engine


ArcFM Viewer for ArcGIS Engine: This ArcFM Engine application provides a high-performance, robust query and display tool. If ArcFM Viewer is installed, this online help file contains documentation for configuring. Refer to the Using ArcFM Solution online help for information about ArcFM Viewer functionality.

ArcFM Viewer for ArcGIS Engine


Desktop Administrator: This application allows an administrator to track the total number of ArcFM Solution licenses purchased as well as the current number in use and available.

All ArcFM Desktop applications (ArcFM and Viewer)


Hardware ID Tool: This tool provides an easy way to access the MAC/Ethernet address as well as the hard disk serial number on your license server.

License Manager


Use this tool to install ArcFM Solution licenses.

License Manager


This tool allows an administrator to use a command prompt to view information about licenses and the license server. This tool may be accessed only through a command prompt.

License Manager


Internal use only.

License Manager


Internal use only.

ArcFM (Complete)


Command Line Workflow Import/Export: This tool allows you to perform a workflow import or export on a Process Framework database from the command line.

ArcFM (Complete), ArcFM Viewer for ArcGIS Engine


Mobile Synchronizer: This application can be run on a machine connected to the Process Framework database to periodically send and receive mobile jobs to and from the field.

ArcFM (Typical and Complete), ArcFM Viewer for ArcGIS Engine, Redliner Extension


Session Manager and Workflow Manager: Use this tool to launch Session Manager or Workflow Manager (depending on the database you log into). Configuration information is available in this online help file. Information about using Session Manager and Workflow Manager is available in the Using ArcFM Solution online documentation.

ArcFM (Typical and Complete), ArcFM Viewer for ArcGIS Engine, Workflow Manager (standalone)


Process Framework Administration Tool: System Administrators use this tool to add/remove users and administer their user role assignments in Session Manager and Workflow Manager, as well as perform other configurations.

ArcFM (Complete)


Process Framework Database Upgrade Tool: If you have installed a previous version of Process Framework, the Process Framework Database Upgrade tool will update your database with enhancements available in the latest version.

ArcFM (Complete)


Many custom components (e.g., autoupdaters, edit tasks) must be registered before they are available in ArcFM. This tool adds those entries to the registry.

All ArcFM Desktop products, ArcFM Viewer for ArcGIS Engine, Workflow Manager (standalone), License Manager


This tool may be used to manually register a mobile packet template as an XDelta reference file. This is automatically done when the user configures Mobile using the Mobile Solution Administration Tool.

ArcFM (Typical and Complete), ArcFM Viewer for ArcGIS Engine


Trace All Feeders: When the status of electric devices changes or new features are added to the network, use this tool to update affected conductors and devices and compress the database.

ArcFM (Complete)


This is the executable used by Mobile to decompress a packet if the administrator chooses "Zip" as the compression method.

ArcFM (Typical and Complete), ArcFM Viewer for ArcGIS Engine, Workflow Manager (standalone)


This executable allows you to run the processes which update a replica's schema through a command line instead of using the Replica Schema Wizard.

ArcFM (Complete)


This executable allows you to update the data sources of your design workspace. It is intended to be used in conjunction with the ArcFM Data Source Wizard.

ArcFM (Complete)


This is the executable used by Mobile to compress a packet if the administrator chooses "Zip" as the compression method.

ArcFM (Typical and Complete), ArcFM Viewer for ArcGIS Engine, Workflow Manager (standalone)



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