ArcFM Solution Configuration Guide

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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Pushbraces support or brace a pole when it is not feasible to use an anchor guy. A pushbrace is a pole or other member that is placed at an angle to help support the unbalanced pole and is often used on the inside curve of mountain roads. The poles that pushbraces support are grouped into classes based on their circumference six feet from the butt.

The Pushbrace class inherits attributes from the Structure abstract class.

Subtypes: None

Associations: None

Model Names: None


Class: text - Code indicating class of pole supported by Pushbrace; domain values include Class 1, Class, 10, Class H1, etc.

Height: text - Code indicating height; domain values include 20 feet, 25 feet, etc.

Material: text - Material of Pushbrace; domain value is Wood.

SymbolRotation: double - Angle of rotation indicating how a feature appears on the map. Uses the SYMBOLROTATION model name. The ArcFM Manual Angle Setter edit task and ArcFM Auto Angle Setter autoupdater both use this field to rotate point features.



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