ArcFM Solution Configuration Guide

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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A pipe line marker is placed as closely as practical over an underground gas line to identify the location of the facility and reduce the possibility of damage or interference.

Subtypes: None

Associations: None

Model Names: None


Condition: text - Physical condition of PipeLineMarker.

Comments: text - User and designer comments.

DateInspected: date - Date of last inspection.

DimensionTie1: text - Description of east–west line of feature location.

DimensionTie2: text - Description of north–south line of feature location.

EquipmentID: text - Utility identifier that stays with equipment if it is moved.

Hyperlink: text -Used to store a hyperlink path via standard Esri hyperlinking functionality.

InServiceDate: date - Date PipeLineMarker was set in service.

Installation Date: date - Date of installation.

NextInspectionDate: date - Date of next inspection.

Owner: text - Owner of PipeLineMarker.

PropertyUnitCode: text - Value assigned to assets to track and classify Property Records.

SymbolRotation: double - Angle that dictates how the feature appears on a map.

WorkOrderID: text - Utility-defined identifier of work order.



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