ArcFM Solution Configuration Guide
Overcurrent Protective Device

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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Generally, overcurrent protective devices open (trip) when the maximum rated current is exceeded for a preset amount of time. Overcurrent protective devices are arranged in series along a distribution circuit to clear temporary faults in a prearranged sequence of operation. The most common devices used for overcurrent protection are fuse cutouts, automatic circuit reclosers, sectionalizers, and relayed circuit breakers.

The rated continuous current is the current a device carries continuously without exceeding specified temperatures in a specified ambient temperature. The OverCurrentProtectiveDevice is an abstract feature class that contains common characteristics of subclasses DynamicProtectiveDevice, Fuse, FaultInterrupter, CircuitBreaker, Sectionalizer, and Recloser.

The OvercurrentProtectiveDevice class inherits attributes from the ElectricDevice abstract class. All model names assigned to the ElectricDevice class should be assigned to the OvercurrentProtectiveDevice class as well.

Associations: None

Subtypes: None

Model Names: None


LabelText: text - Stores circuit labeling text or annotation.

MaxContinuousCurrent: double - Code indicating maximum continuous current rating of device in amps, which is the amount of current that can flow through the device indefinitely; domain values include 100 A, 200 A, etc.

MaxInterruptingCurrent: double - Code indicating maximum current for which device interrupts current; domain values include 2.5 kA, 6 kA, 8 kA, etc.

MaxOperatingVoltage: long integer - Code indicating maximum designated rms value of power frequency voltage that may be applied continuously between the terminals of the device; domain values include 4.16/7.2 kV, 7.2/12.4 kV, 14.4/24.9 kV, etc.

NormalPosition[A,B,C]: long integer - Code indicating normal position of OpenPoint, per phase; domain values include Closed, Open, and Not Applicable. This attribute results in three fields (NormalPosition_A, NormalPosition_B, NormalPosition_C). Assign the corresponding model name to each field: NORMALPOSITION_A, NORMALPOSITION_B, NORMALPOSITION_C.

PresentPosition[A,B,C]: long integer - Code indicating present position of OpenPoint, per phase; domain values include Closed, Open, and Not Applicable.



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