ArcFM Solution Configuration Guide
Misc Network Feature

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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MiscNetworkFeature captures those subtypes that protect distribution network equipment from temporary and permanent faults. Each subtype has its own set of attributes.

The MiscNetworkFeature class (all subtypes) inherits attributes from the ElectricDevice abstract class. All model names assigned to the ElectricDevice class should be assigned to the MiscNetworkFeature class as well.



Fault indicators locate faulted sections of overhead distribution systems and present a visual signal to designate normal and faulted conditions.


ActuatingCurrent: long integer - Current that will trip indicator; settings are high and low.

MaxConductorSize: text - Maximum size conductor that indicator can protect.



FaultLimiter is used to increase the impedance of the system during fault conditions.


GroundType: text - Type of ground used.

Reactance: double - Impedance (imaginary part) in ohms.

Resistance: double - Impedance (real part) in ohms.


Ground, CounterPoise, RodGround or WrapGround

A common point for connecting grounded conducting equipment such as shunt capacitors. Grounding is achieved by connecting one side or neutral of a circuit to the earth through low resistance or low impedance paths to help prevent transmitting shocks to personnel. Ground equipment normally includes ground circuits and a driven rod or buried ground field that provides a path for electric return circuits. Types of ground devices include grids, mats, and multiple or single driven rods.


GroundSize: text - Size of ground.

Material: text - Material of ground.

Resistance: double - Impedance (real part) in ohms.

RodSize: text - Size of rod in ground.

Thickness: text - Thickness of rod.



Surge arrestors are controlled, enclosed spark-gap structures designed to allow impulse current to flow through the gaps to the ground. The arrestor rating is the maximum root mean square (rms) voltage for which it is designed to reseal. The rms power frequency is the voltage from line to line versus the voltage from line to neutral. The arrestor discharge voltage is well below the BIL of the protected equipment.


ArresterType: text - Code indicating type of arrester; domain values include Air Gap, Metal Oxide, etc.

BILRating: long integer - BIL rating of protected equipment.

Class: text - Code indicating class of arrestor; domain values include Distribution, Elbow, Intermediate, Substation.



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